06 Jun Do You Love your Hot Pack?
Own a hot pack. Want to know when may be a good time to use it? Whats better than relaxing in the sun? ...
Own a hot pack. Want to know when may be a good time to use it? Whats better than relaxing in the sun? ...
Do you get tight around the front of your hips? Esp if you sit all day? then want to get out and get active - your hip flexors could be holding you back. Check out this quick video to see if these stretches may help you....
Are you sitting at your desk? Doing homework on the computer, sitting watching TV ? How is your posture right now? Here are a few tips on getting it better straight away. If you feel you want a more in depth assessment or some advice and exercises...
Do you sit? Do you find you get stiff in your upper back? Find out an easy way to help loosen up your upper back - this fast and friendly clip with give you a simple and self help technique you can start straight away. If you...
Here at Phyxit, we see a lot of patients suffering from back pain. You see, as an expert in back pain management, I see a lot of weird and wonderful things in the clinic and I get asked a lot of questions. So today, I want...
Knee pain is one of the most common injuries we see in our clinic, this is partly due to there being many different types of knee pain. But today I want to talk to you about the most common knee injury we treat here, it’s...