04 May How’s your balance?
Bringing it back to basics - How's your balance? Give this test ago at home and see whether you need to do some work on it!...
Bringing it back to basics - How's your balance? Give this test ago at home and see whether you need to do some work on it!...
It is finally here! - the presentation of our Emerging Athletes. Congratulations to these two fantastic up and coming athletes. Kaimana Fittock and Jarrod Buick The Illawarra has an amazing history of producing world class athletes and these two are set to take the next...
After last weeks quad stretch -quick technique review, I got asked if I could run through Psoas (hip flexor) stretches please.🔆 So here is a really quick recap on how to get the most out of your time when stretching you Psoas. ✅...
How has your office posture been this week? Here are the top three go to exercises to help you at your desk....
Knee pain is one of the most common injuries we see in our clinic, this is partly due to there being many different types of knee pain. But today I want to talk to you about the most common knee injury we treat here, it’s...
The start of the year is here, and with that, so is the renewal of your private health insurance benefits for the year! 😬 Get your body in check, and smash this years health goals and finally take advantage of your overpriced health insurance. Most people miss...
SNAPPING BACK TO REALITY!! Post festivities, Ryan is back with another great video on a simple exercise that you can incorporate into your everyday routine to make sure you are kicking those 2019 New Year resolutions!! This is also a great exercise if you are planning...
So glad you could join Cat in learning more about getting your body working the best it can for you and gaining skills that you can use yourself to check how things are going. This video is especially for back pain - whether it is occasionally...
So a patient PM'd us and wanted to know some new "glut" exercises. We use lots of exercises for people who need their Butt a but stronger, and they are Prescribed depending on the individual needs...
Join the Phyxit Physio Crew for the 2018 Australia Day Aquathon. Get 25% Off your Entry, a groovy T-Shirt and a water bottle and the chance to be part of the Phyxit Crew for a day. Grab 25% OFF your entry - use the code...