08 Nov ASK CAT: Calf stretch?!
Calf stretch - simple? 🧐 Depends if you are doing them right and what you are trying to achieve! Here is a great video from Cat to help explain....
Calf stretch - simple? 🧐 Depends if you are doing them right and what you are trying to achieve! Here is a great video from Cat to help explain....
Yes it is! Our Swim Screenings help to show just where an athlete is exactly as far as their control....
Do you exercise? Do you find you get tight in your calf post activity. Try this really useful stretch....
Something we, as physios, are getting a lot of questions about is how to improve core stability, which is a great place to start if you’re looking to improve your game. I want to share with you today, the importance of training your core, and how...