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Have you got a shoulder impingement?

Recent evidence by Azin, Z. et al. (2023) explains subacromial shoulder impingement syndrome as “painful and functionally impaired shoulder exacerbated by overhead activities”. This condition is characterised by an encroachment of the glenohumeral joint space which encompasses the rotator cuff tendons, bicep brachii, the shoulder joint capsule and the subacromial bursa causing their inflammation and degeneration.

The study concluded that both manual therapy and exercise therapy were effective for the treatment of patients with a shoulder impingement. These findings suggest that a combination of trigger point inactivation and joint mobilisation may be clinically effective for this condition.

So can we help at Phyxit? Yes we can!!

2024 Concussion guidelines

Are you or someone you know participating in a contact sport this season? If so, you must have a look at the updated concussion protocol. As we know with emerging data, concussion must be taken seriously. The SMA have come out with a statement…





06 Apr MASSAGE MONDAY – Cupping explained

Cupping therapy is often referred to as "fire cupping" because (as most cupping pictures will illustrate), the Chinese Medicine Practitioner needs a flame to complete the procedure. The Practitioner lights a cotton ball on a hemostat on fire, quickly inserts the flame into the glass...

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20 Mar PHYSIO FRIDAY – Swimmers and shoulders

The STATS! (USA current stats from elite programs)82% of elite male swimmers report shoulder pain Competitive swimmers:10K-20K yds/day Average of 8-12 strokes per 25yds Over 1 million shoulder rotations per week Lifetime injury incidence of 47-73%Large moment arm to reach and pull through the...

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